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Act of Love

This academic project, proposed by the company Dimensão Nova, where the goal was modify the original Mariolina chair, from designer Enzo Mari, and show some history behind the portuguese cinema. I chose the movie " Aniki Bobo " made by the most iconic Portuguese director Manoel de Oliveira, and did it the representative intervention of the movie. This intervention was made in vinyl and PVC (seat and back). My chair was chose to integrate the exposition "Um acto de amor pelo cinema Português" in Ginásio Clube Português, Amoreiras supported by the Academia Portuguesa de Cinema.

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There are people who are part of our everyday life, almost by accident. People we don't know but for some reason, they are " there ".. I call them, references. References to various levels , life style , thinking, creativity, form of expression , everything. This work is the mirror of those people in my life. My picture of my references. Not a picture in its real sense, but rather an intellectual portrait . Fernando Pessoa and Salvador Dali , according to the phrases that best define them.

Act of Love

This academic project, proposed by the company Dimensão Nova, where the goal was modify the original Mariolina chair, from designer Enzo Mari, and show some history behind the portuguese cinema. I chose the movie " Aniki Bobo " made by the most iconic Portuguese director Manoel de Oliveira, and did it the representative intervention of the movie. This intervention was made in vinyl and PVC (seat and back). My chair was chose to integrate the exposition "Um acto de amor pelo cinema Português" in Ginásio Clube Português, Amoreiras supported by the Academia Portuguesa de Cinema.

Selfie Time

Tudo ou nada! A mistura do sim e do não, do 8 e do 80, da certeza e da incerteza, da delicadeza e da arrogância, da alegria mais alegre e da tristeza mais triste. A verdade que não cala, e a sensibilidade que marca, a energia que contagia e a simplicidade mais complicada. A fragilidade mais forte e a fortaleza mais frágil. A antítese mais simples e a mais elaborada. A demora mais rápida e a rapidez mais demorada, o problema e a solução, a protecção desprotegida e a desprotegida com mais protecção A complicação mais simples, a diferença menos diferente, a originalidade menos original, a única e a sempre igual, sou eu a Margarida. Sou o certo e o errado, o medo e a coragem, a persistência e a teimosia, a maior equação com a menor resolução. Sou Barcelona e Lisboa, sou o papel e a caneta, o café e o cigarro, o minuto e o segundo, as horas e os dias, o preto e o branco, o azul talvez. Sou a chuva e o sol, o mar e a areia, o verão e o inverno, sou infinito e o ponto certo, o menos e o mais, o terrível e o perfeito. Sou o inicio e o fim.

sem pés nem cabeça